This simple recipe tell you great curative used in many recipes.
Just tale about 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers and fill it out with 200 ml of hot boiled water. Rest it in some glass for 10-12 hours.
The easist way to use this curative is take pre-heated gauze, put the chamomile flowers from your brew to gauze between two layers and place to face for 10-15 minutes. Wrap your face in small bath towel. After you remove the mask grease your skin with cream.
That easy mask make your skin young and fresh :)
Labels: Herbs: Chamomile, Skin care
Next one recipe from my grandma, and againg with chamomile flowers. This is truly wonderful herbs!
The chamomile flowers you can see as part of many health and cosmetic masks that make face skin soft, tender, reduce wrinkles and tone up.
Here is how my grandma do it. Concentrate brew from chamomile flowers mix with honey, fresh egg white and almond oil up to cream consistence. Put this to 2-3 gauze layers and place to face. Wait about 1--15 minutes, that's enough. Clean the face with clean heat water. After need to dry out the face and use your favorite day cream.
Such masks effectives against "old skin" as well as tone up face muscles, and skin look fresh and young.
Labels: Herbs: Chamomile, Skin care
I want to share with you cool (yes, really cool!) recipe for skin care based on freezed potion from chamomile flowers. It's easy to prepare and effectively improve skin tone and reduce pore size. My grandma began every day with face cleanig by ice cube of that potion. As I remember it was really every day morning just after she wake up.
Labels: Herbs: Chamomile, Reduce pore size, Skin care