Compresses — the most ancient cosmetic procedure. It approaches any type of a skin. It is especially good to do compresses for eyes and a century. The skin round a century has no fatty basis and very much requires an additional moisture.
Compresses in this case will help.
The grandmother knew about it and did to itself compresses , and various.
As it to do. As much as possible to relax, it is recommended to do compresses lying. Occupy convenient position, under a head put the small flat platen.
If you have decided to impose a compress not only on area of eyes, you should use a fabric большего the size to close all person.
Thus do not forget to make a cut for nostrils and for a mouth. Wet a fabric in warm infusion of a camomile. The compress is held usually by 2—3 minutes.
The skin in this time will feel heat. Now put to a skin a fabric moistened in cold infusion. After a cold compress again make warm and so some times.
Besides, that such compress will humidify a skin, it still will give it sensation of freshness and ease.


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